New tyre recycling method produces clean and reusable rubber

Tyre Recycling

The recycling technology was invented by Costas Tzoganakis, a chemical engineering professor at the University of Waterloo, and was commercialized by Tyromer Inc. a green company that recently won a tech startup award from TiE50, which is TiE Silicon Valley’s premier annual awards program, for its clean tyre recycling method.
The recycled rubber process is chemical-free.

The machine that was developed for the recycling process transforms rubber crumbs, small pieces of shredded scrap tyre, into reusable rubber. This process for recycling rubber is inexpensive, long lasting and the process does not utilize chemicals. Sam Visaisouk, Tyromer Inc. CEO stated, “It is the first time in the world that this is being done without the use of chemical solvents.”

This is quite the breakthrough because rubber is a material that cannot be entirely broken down, which makes it difficult to be reused. The reason is it is comprised of sulphur links that are difficult to dissolve without using chemicals. However, when chemicals are used to break down the material, they leave behind a permanent stench and a dangerous residue. Moreover, chemicals shorten the life of the rubber. The chemical method to make rubber reusable is used in China but the practice has been prohibited in North America and the European Union.

Tzoganakis’s green technology uses liquid carbon dioxide instead of chemicals, which is injected into the rubber material. A process called devulcanization breaks down the links, returning the rubber to a malleable form, allowing it to be reused to make new tyres or anything else.
The rubber recycling technology may be a solution for the entire world.

Being able to reuse rubber in such a way will have the greatest impact on tyres, since 80% of all rubber is exclusively utilized to create new tyres. Every year, billions of tyres are manufactured and many of these tyres will be discarded and tossed into landfills or stockpiled. However, scrap tyres that are stockpiled are a fire hazard and it is illegal to dump tyres in landfills. Thus, finding a way to safely and effectively recycle tyres has become increasingly important.

Now, with the new recycling technology from Tyromer Inc., rubber crumbs can be converted into reusable rubber. It is the company’s hope that within the year they will be able to develop a commercialized machine that will transform scrap tyres into rubber that can be reused to make new tyres, and sell these machines to companies who are interested in reducing their carbon footprint and who want a long-term return.