AIRIA wants a council to promote Indian rubber for export

rubber_treesThe All Indian Rubber Industries Association (AIRIA) wants to form a dedicated council to increase rubber product exports.

Around 30% of rubber products produced by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) are exported. The sector has 5,000 MSME rubber units producing 35,000 different products. Export turnover for rubber products reached Rs17,500 crore between 2014-2015.

Promoting rubber export is currently handled by the Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council (Capexil). According to AIRIA, a dedicated Rubber Products Promotion Council (or Rubbexil) must be formed to focus on rubber products

“New missions of the government of India including Make-in-India and Skill India can be successful only through a sharper emphasis on labour intensive and widely spread out sectors such as rubber products”, said Mohinder Gupta, president AIRIA in a statement.