PIRELLI, the Comolatti Group – through the Distributora Automotiva company, owner of the Abouchar tyre sales network – and Campneus have signed a preliminary agreement for the integration of the Abouchar points of sale with the Pirelli Pneuac network.
With this agreement, Pneuac, which in 2012 acquired control of Campneus, the goal is to exceed sales of 1.3 billion reais (approximately EUR400 million euro) in 2014.
The operation’s goal is to strengthen Pirelli’s presence in the Brazilian market through greater direct control of the commercial network, as had already been defined in the group’s last Industrial Plan. With this initiative, Pirelli will focus on areas with the greatest growth in the Premium segment, reinforcing its relationship with the end consumer and increasing the number of Pneuac points of sales from 104 to 133.
With this agreement, Pirelli, Distrbuidora Automotiva will acquire a stake in Pneuac from Pirelli, as well as confering to Pneuac the Abouchar points of sale. At the conclusion of the operation, Pirelli, Distribuidora Automotiva and the Faria da Silva family, minority stakeholder in Campneus, will be represented in the company capital of the new Pneuac, in which Pirelli will maintain the majority and Ivo Giunti Yoshioka, head of Pneuac for Pirelli since 2009, will assume the role of CEO.
Established in 1927 and acquired in 1981 by the Comolatti Group, Abouchar is one of the main re-sellers in Pirelli’s official sales’ network in Brazil, which has approximately 600 points of sale throughout the country. With 29 points of sale and 9 distribution centres located in the states of San Paolo, Minas, Gerais, Pernambuco, Bahia, Espirito Santo, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul, Abouchar markets the entire range of tyres, as well as offering different automobile services, and will continue to maintain the same name at the conclusion of the operation.
The agreement will be submitted for approval to CADE, the Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Economica (Brazilian antitrust).