Italian group reports weak rubber, plastic machinery imports in H1 2013

importASSOCOMAPLAST, the Italian trade association of manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery, has disclosed its analysis of the latest ISTAT figures for Italian foreign trade shows, showing that in the first half of 2013, imports in the sector dropped compared to the same period in 2012. Exports, however, have maintained their strength, as cited in the report.

It says that the decline in imports is attributable to a weak domestic market on an ongoing recovery. However, a forecast by CONFINDUSTRIA, indicating that Italy’s GDP will stabilise in the third quarter of the year and even grow slightly (+0.3%) in the final quarter is injecting optimism into the gloomy analysis.

Likewise a recent Assocomaplast business survey on a sample of plastics and rubber processing companies reveals increased orders compared to the preceding month as well as favourable 3-4 month projections.

The drop in exports (-1.7%)is considered minor by the group, given their overall ups and downs. Foreign sales followed an intermittent trend over the first six months of 2013: after a positive close to 2012 and a strong start to the year, export has lost some momentum.

A survey among Assocomaplast members also shows that companies expect to see an improvement in turnover over the second half of the year, also in view of the upswing in orders in July of this year, compared to both June 2013 and July 2012.