Control Union launches new worldwide standard for organic latex products

latex-product-1Control Union has formally introduced the newest version of its Global Organic Latex Standard (GOLS 3.0.) for both “certified organic” latex foam components and finished products made with “certified organic” latex for suppliers, manufacturers and marketers of latex-based products including mattresses, bedding, top-of-bed, and home furnishing products among others.

Based in The Netherlands, Control Union is a widely recognized third-party, global quality control inspection, logistics and certifying body with more than 3,500 employees located in 100 offices throughout 70 countries.

The Global Organic Standard (GOLS) 3.0 certifies both the organic latex foam (made with a 95% latex rubber sap content from organic certified rubber tree plantations), and it certifies the entire finished product such as a mattress or pillow that meets the certifications standards using an “organic” latex core or foam layer.

Addressing the GOLS 3.0 organic latex standard, Robert Demianew, Vice President of Control Union Certifications in North America explains, “Control Union has had a partnership with the textile industry for many years. When industry challenges arose in the past, we worked to find worldwide, third-party certification solutions that ensured high levels of integrity. This has been the case with our involvement in the development of the Global Recycle Standard (GRS), Global Organic Standard (GOLS) and Responsible Down Standard (RDS).”

Demianew said their fully, up-to-date and comprehensive worldwide certification program for organic latex products is for suppliers and manufacturers who wish to market truly certified “organic latex” products.