Category: Pan-Asia

South and East Asia rubber news

MTPL begins production at greenfield tyre facility in Gujarat

India’s Mahansaria Tyres Private Limited (MTPL) will now commence commercial production at its US$100 million off-highway tyre manufacturing facility in Panoli, western Gujarat, after a virtual inauguration by Chairman Ashok Mahansaria. MTPL’s new, state-of-the-art facility, spread across 127 acres of…

Karex plans new medical glove manufacturing plant in Thailand

Malaysian condom manufacturer Karex Bhd is planning to build a new facility for rubber-based medical gloves at its Innotex (Thailand) Ltd. (ITL) base in Hatyai. ITL currently manufactures condoms, personal lubricants and other rubber products including catheters but intends to…

IRSG predicts 12% decline in rubber demand in 2020

The Singapore-based Secretariat of the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG), which publishes data on production, consumption, trade and prices covering both natural rubber (NR) and synthetic rubber (SR), estimates a sharp decline in the global rubber demand by 12.6% year-on-year…

IRSG announces winners of photo competition

Singapore-based International Rubber Study Group (IRSG) has announced winners of its photo competition themed “Rubber is a Community”. It received 14 individual entries since February 2020 and was realised with the support of Rubber Trade Association of Singapore (RTAS) and Singapore International Chamber of…