Bright Technology sees bright future in Europe

810 basic tire changer

The Chinese tyre changer and wheel balancer maker, Bright Technology, is steadily expanding its European market. Sales Manager Joao Kwakernaat says the company is “currently in advanced negotiations with potential distributors in Germany, Italy and the UK.” Bright Technology has been present in trade shows, such as the biennial Autopromotec in Italy.

Bright Technology’s Premium equipment range has also grown since its launch in Europe two years ago. The equipment line is making solid headway in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland, Finland, and Portugal

“During that period the product base has been progressively increased from the first two models, aimed at the basic level of use, and designed for smaller tyre shops and garage workshops. Now we are installing a varied number of pieces of equipment on a regular basis.”says Joao

The Premium range consists of the 810 basic tyre changer that can demount tyres up to 58cm and has a bead breaking force of 2,500 kg; theCB66 basic wheel balancer; and the LC 887N tyre changer with a tilt-back arm, a 66cm clamping range and a bead breaking force of 2,800kg.

Joao says that the secret behind their success is a combination of cutting edge software, cost-effective Chinese production and listening to customers’ needs. Aside from promoting the Premium line, Bright Technology also produces equipment for private brand customers.