OSHA divulges federal health violations of chemical firm


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have recently issued excerpts of  federal health and safety violations committed by Dover Chemical Corp., a manufacturer of plastics and rubber chemicals.


Dover Chemical, which has been alleged to have committed 47 violations, has been asked by OSHA to pay fines amounting to US$545,000.


The excepts, which  transpired from the investigation conducted by OSHA at the manufacturing plant of Dover Chemical, involve breach of a polyvinyl chloride piping system, as well as the poor safety management of the company, among others.


According to the report, four of the safety violations were either intentionally or unintentionally committed  by Dover Chemical; while the 43 remaining violations ranged from grave to “other than serious’ offenses.


OSHA has placed Dover Chemical under the Severe Violator Enforcement Programme of the agency to ensure it complies with the law. (RJA)