Rubber Industries reinvents with new strategies


US-based precision moulding firm Rubber Industries Inc.’s new CEO, Neil Johnson says the company will experience changes that will set record-breaking numbers.


“In the past two of four months we have broken our all-time shipping records,” said Johnson, who has held the post during the term. “In the history of the 40 years (of the company) two of the last four months were the best in the history, ” he added.


He also said the family-owned company is fully operational – making sure that it 100 employees man the  24/7 operations and each is aware of company’s performance.


Johnson, who claimed to have found his niche with the company’s ”custom-shop” and “broad spectrum” model, said that he had introduced small but effective modifications into the operations. For example, videos that are created specifically to show how the equipment works, have helped  with the flow of the manufacturing process.


“We show people how to unload things properly, mould things properly,” he said, explaining that the additions could facilitate for the user to recognise when the process flow of the finished good is already at.


Johnson lauds the staff for the ideas he first implemented to improve operations, consequently reversing the problem Rubber Industries had experienced.  With things looking up for the Rubbe Industries’s operations, the company is set to meet the commitments to their clients which they were not able prior to the improvements, Johnson said. (RJA)