International experts discuss four RFID tyre tags international standards

RFID-tyreThe Four RFID Tyre Tags International Standards Kick-off Meeting, attended by 24 experts from China, France, US, Italy, Germany and UK, was held in Brussels, Germany from July 11 to 14. The formulation of four RFID tyre tags international standards is initiated by China and mainly drafted by Mesnac.

The four proposed RFID tyre tags standards are: Radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags, embedding methods for RFID tyre tags, testing methods for RFID tyre tags, and coding for RFIDtyre tags.

They are the first batch of standards from China tyre industry that are officially approved by ISO to start the project. Meanwhile, the initiated standards drafted by Mesnac are expected to become the first ISO standards to regulate the application of tyre-use RFID tags.

The four international standards were officially filed for application in June 2015 and ISO/TC31/WG10 Workgroup was established on October 6, 2015. The Convener of the workgroup is Dong Lanfei from Mesnac; the Co-convener of the workgroup is Pierre Loiret from Michelin.

The ISO/TC31/WG10 kick-off meeting won support from the National Technical Committee 19 on Tyres and Rims of Standardization Administration of China (SAC_TC19), The European Tyre and Rim Technical Organization (ETRTO), and Association Française de Normalization (AFNOR).

All parties expressed their detailed opinions and suggestion on the drafts of the four RFID tyre tags international standards during the meeting, which was chaired by Dong. It was concluded with the consensus between experts from different countries.

The second meeting of the workgroup is expected to be held in December; by then, workgroup experts will continue the discussion and review on the drafts of four RFID standards and aim to promote the work to progress from the WD (Workgroup Draft) stage to CD (Committee Draft) stage.