AZ-Métal introduces a secure tyre collection system for smaller outlets

French manufacturer AZ-Métal has come up with a secure and compact solution – the eAZyBox container – to help with lower volume waste tyre storage issues which plagues small retailers and garages.Eco-company Aliapur has taken delivery of the first 50 of such containers in France, to be put into place in certain municipal landfill sites.

Manufactured in Brittany, the eAZyBox is a watertight portable container that is resistant to extreme weather. It does not take up too much space and has a capacity for around 100-130 passenger vehicle tyres – it is easier on the eye than a haphazard pile of used tyres.

The opening in the rotomoulded structure has been designed to make it easy to deposit tyres, and there is a means of visually verifying how full the container is. In addition, the eAZyBox comes with a locking system and offers security from vandals and theft of part worn tyres.

The principle of the small containers have been officially integrated into the Aliapur call for tender for the 2021-2024 collections contracts; Aliapur has placed its first order for 50 eAZyBoxes which is expected to be put into place throughout August.